Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Story Time With Garrus Drawing

So I recently drew another Garrus drawing showing him telling a story to his kid. I had drawn this for a contest on deviantArt, and was completely surprised at how many people seemed to like it!

Story Time With Garrus
Somone on the site created a contest in which the participants were to create a Mass Effect related work that helped cheer them up. I had really wanted to enter something but was at a loss at what to draw, until this little scenario popped up in my head. I then spent the rest of the night with my head bent over a piece of paper and a pencil twirling in my hand. I did a few sketches until I was satisfied with positioning, then got to work. I feel that I could have done better, but I'm still pretty happy with the result and hope to do more fan art later.

I'm on a very busy schedule, so many things I need to do! I just got a couple doll kits in the mail so I'm going to start working on those soon, and in between kits I've got a few drawings planned. And then theres lots of other things that'll have me running around.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reborn Mandy on Business Cards

Many people have been asking me for business cards, so yesterday I started trying to design one. I wanted to feature one of my dolls on the card, so I chose my large 9 month sized doll, Mandy. She is the Cuddles kit I got from Bountiful Baby. Her hair hasn't been completely rooted yet, but I felt that she had the perfect face for my card so I put on a cute outfit and bonnet to hide her bald spot. Then I started taking photos.

Here are a few:

This picture was chosen to be on my card.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Garrus Vakarian Fan Art

I've recently become a big Mass Effect series fan. The games are amazing, some of the best I've ever played! My favorite character is the incredibly awesome alien, Garrus Vakarian (like many of his fangirls, I have fallen for his witty personality and incredible voice). I was watching some youtube videos of him in the third game and just decided to draw him. It was the first time in a VERY long time that I felt urge to draw.

My first attempt at drawing Garrus, trying to focus on the details of his scars.

My second attempt came out a great deal better.

Garrus in his armor. His face markings were colored to make them stand out.
I can't wait to draw him again!

This New Art Blog

I already had an art blog, a nearly empty and neglected page, and I'm hoping this attempt turns out better. Recently, my drawing skills have improved (I don't know how it happened, magic maybe) and I have several reborn doll kits that I am ready to start working on. So I figured that I should start anew with another blog and post my work for people to see.

My main reason for starting this blog is to get my name 'out there'. I'm hoping that if people can see what I can do then one day I might be able to make a living off of my art and dolls. A dream of mine that is trying to evolve into a life goal.

For now I'm just going to enjoy doing what I do, and hope that viewers of this blog enjoy seeing the results.
I Dream of Dragons